54° Venice Biennale
May be. They could live here, installation of Antonio Manfredi in Venice Biennale 2011
Poster of Venice Biannale
Stella Manfredi performance in Venice Biennial
Antonio Manfredi and the curator of the Venice Biennale, Vittorio Sgarbi
Antonio Manfredi and the curator of the Venice Biennale, Vittorio Sgarbi
Antonio Manfredi and the curator of the Venice Biennale, Vittorio Sgarbi
Antonio Manfredi and the curator of Israel Pavillon
Ashes, performance for dOCUMENTA 2012 Kassel, Germany
Salon d’Automne de Paris, 2014
Presentazione della scultura per le vittime italo/americane nelle Twin Towers a New York
Consolato italiano a New York, 2007